WARNING:For some reason the spell check was not working when I posted this. So there will be even more typos and bad grammer than usual.
I'm back! I took a little break from blogging. I must admit I missed it a little. It's only been a couple weeks but it seemed much longer to me. It wasn't a long break at all by my Mama's standards. She only blogs about once every couple months now. I think she might be on strike like the TV writters..... She took a class with Cindy and at my request made an ATC card for me. This being an art site I figured I should mix it in somewhere. I wanted to post a picture and talk about it but she refused to post it. She didn't think it was very good, but I didn't think it was that bad. Now I'm thinking I'm just going to have to do my own. I'm not very artistic at all. The closest I've gotten to making a piece of art was spelling my name in the snow. And I barely got through that. I almost froze my you know what off. Let's just say It's a good thing my name is only four letters long. In my opinion it's pretty difficult to tell good art from bad. I was watching Antiques Road Show with my Mom. Some lady has a pencil and water color painting from some dude that I guess is famous, but I can't remember his name. The guy on the show somehow came to the conclusion that it was worth a few thousand dollars. I was hardley impressed by the piece. I've seen better art on refrigerator doors. It just goes to show you it's hard to tell the good from the bad. I seems to me that most important factor in being considered a good artist is having a really pretentious name and being from Europe. Most people would pay more for a piece made by Jaques Francois from Lyon than Dave Wilson from Debuque regardless of what the art actully looks like. But if anybody has any pointers for a beginner I'm all ears. One other thing on Antiques Road Show, I wish they would follow up with some of these people to see if they actually sell their crap and for what. I question the credibility of these jokers. They could tell these people their freakin Chinise lamp is worth anything without any consequence. They should have some level of accountabilty.
My Auntie Shiloh just left town. My Mom told me Shiloh thought I was going to blog about her birthday or something. What she didn't know is that I didn't blog about my own birthday! I supposed to blog about her's? Me and Carty turned six on 1/26. You can donate to the ASPCA in lieu of gifs. I was to young to remember when I got adopted but my Mama told Me and Carty we had three other brothers. I really hope thay are doing well and had good birthday also. I'm thinking of starting a site called Littermates.com, where cats can re-connect with their siblings(yes this one is rip off of Classmates.com, unlike my Best of Vegas list). Anyway, Happy Birthday brothers. Happy Birthday, Shiloh. Happy now!
I would like to thank everyone for the great response to my Best Of Vegas list. We had 11 hits in one day which more than double of our previouse record high of 5. Since than I have felt terrible about not thanking my staff. First of all my brother Carty. Dispite being litter mates we are almost completely opposite in every way. He is great to have around when compiling my list. I constantly bounce ideas and thoughts off him to get a different point of view. Thanks Carty. Finally, I would like to thank Peaches. She's the tabby from down the street. Her picture is up above. She's a cutie Isn't she? We were an item for a while when she first moved into the neighborhood. It didn't work out, but we remained friends. She also shares my love of this type of thing. She made great contributions to the list. For example I almost named the Westward Ho as the Best Place to Fart Witout being noticed. I complelety forgot that it was closed! She caught this and saved me quite a bit of embarrassment.
Thats all for now. Maybe next time I'll be back with some art. See Ya. Bono.
1 comment:
You really need to write more often. I think that the key to getting a bigger audience is to blog more often. So go for it! You have a gift my friend. Use it.
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