I am back from my fun trip to Arizona to take the Mingled Elements class from DJ Pettitt and Deryn Mentock. It was so fun and who knew I could actually paint! You see not that long ago Cindy and I went to a local ATC Card meeting at the Michael's by her house. I desperately tried to listen to the girl who was teaching and follow her direction but my piece came out looking like the "Bride of Frankenstein" Well of course I didn't want to put my name on it, so I put Cindy's! It has never made it's debut mainly because my camera skills are a little lacking but now it is being held just out of amusement. I remind Cindy about her every once in a while! Well with that being said you will see why I was so shocked when my painting came out nice. DJ is the most amazing teacher ever! Trust me on that one! Here is a picture of my painting before the wire frame work was started:

Cindy even signed her first autograph! I asked her to sign my magazine but she never did....LOL

While there we went to the trunk show and purchased the most beautiful things. I bought a pair of earrings and a GORGEOUS necklace from Deryn. It was a little more than what I usually spend but it was so wonderful that I just couldn't help myself. I actually called my husband twice and drove Cindy (and everyone around me!)nuts until I was finally brave enough to buy it. I am a notorious cheapskate! As you all know my camera skills are not the best so this next picture shows me wearing it. On my left is DJ (our wonderful painting teacher) and on the right is Deryn (our extremely talented jewelry/wire teacher).

It was so much fun to meet up with old friends like Rena (from my Art Nest trip) and to meet so many new ones.
Here are the hilarious duo, Maija http://maigirlz.typepad.com/ and Tanya http://www.fannyfarkle1.typepad.com/ (sorry, having problems linking tonight!)

Also, the lovely Rena,

Cindy and I have also decided to try to sell at a local craft show that will be taking place July 25th thru the 27th. We still have to submit pictures of our art and send in the application so I will not post any details just yet but as soon as we get in, I will put up all the info. If I am going to get into the show I better go and start making some jewelry, and of course the Mr. is going to need lunch for tomorrow. I hope you all had a great weekend :)